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I had this dream during the day today.

I had to get up really early to do some work remotely.

I did some of it, made a phone call to talk about what to do next. once I knew that I figured I could have a nap for 30 minutes or an hour so I went to bed. I drifted off pretty quickly as I was sleepy.

It was one of those semi lucid dreams – I kind of knew I was sleeping, I also knew I had to get up soon to carry on with the work I took a break from, but in the dream I was in my old apartment, the one I grew up in with my parents and it was dark outside. I went into the kitchen as I wanted to eat something, there was our old fridge there and I opened it. I don’t remember what I got out of there. I remember, though, that I was surprised by how dark it was outside, I looked at my phone and saw it was 11.30 am so I figured it had to be light outside already, were we in the north or something, then I leaned over the table to look out of the window and looked to where I knew was south and saw the sky was light there.

It was a weird dream, it must have been the first time I’ve dreamed about our old apartment.

Categories: Uncategorized
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